Mark "Ruff" Ryder & MC Vapour - Move Your Body
Ready for the bass for the for the re-wind
For the m,m,m,m,m,m,m mix in time
Rrrrrrrrrruff Rrrrrrrrrrryder
The bassline provider
Insider the Ryder, selecta
Check this listen sound, you better listen the sound, of a listen the sound
A listen the sound of a London town
Are you ready for the bass, for the, for the danger
Mark Ryder, MC Vapour
I remember when I was at school, they treating me like I was a fool
Punish me for trying to act cool, and they sat me in the classroom facing the wall, others had a laugh
But no fun for me, I had maths when they had P.E, practice for my G.C.S.E
I was told the rest were better than me, in English everyone got C, not me they gave me a G
Bruised and kicked by all the bullies, cut my head on the ground and grazed up my knee, sent to school on every birthday
Hours detention on every
Friday I had to work when others could play, so I said f ck this I’ll be a DJ
But no, I became a MC and all of the crew just listened to me
Cause they new I had potential you see
And all of that I had in me
More respect from they by diggi day
Bully’s moved right outta’ my way
All because one day I said hey,
Im Vapour, an’ remember Mark say….
Right about now its time to roll strictly underground business
Mark Ryder alongside the MC Vapour, tonight tonight
Blowin’ up like dynamite
Hit bound sound, listen up gather round, tryin to touch this down
By end of th’ week I’m working so hard I wanna keep chillin cool in my yard
Cant be free, never can be bothe’
I’m no laughin’ stock, I’m picture card
Doolally, I’m goin insane, I’m a m,m,m,maniac mashin ya’ brain
Told you once to go through it again,
Now I’ll run ya’ block, now I’m ya’ pain
Im….Insane in the membrane
I’m a m,m,m,maniac mashin ya’ brain
Give a double uppercut like Lenny McLean
Insane in the m.n.m.nm.nn.membrane
Insane in the m.n.m.nm.n m.nm.nbmddbddbdgdgddgdgdgd go
Vapour rollin the show
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